Sunday, June 14, 2009


Kazimir is actually the adoptive son of Dulcinaya’s and Tsigan’s Uncle, their father’s twin, but the girls will call him nothing but phral, or brother. He was raised with Tsigane and Lochlann, his cousin, by his Aunt Savina after his parents were killed in the raid on their camp. Sly, charming, and a skilled and graceful dancer, Kaz is as popular with the ladies as his late adoptive father was.

Kaz’s father (and his wife) had no children, so he who took in the illegitimate half-French son of his younger sister. Kaz has a half brother, the French court jester Geldemare LaFacaeur. The two appear to get along, but always seem to be missing one another. The resemblance between the two is uncanny. Both Kaz and his brother can fence, and are also skilled archers.

Awards (Geldemar Le Farceaur)
AoA 10-21-95Nottinghill Coill- Baroness' Award of Courtesy1-12-02Order of the Gordian Knot 1-18-97

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