The new Baron was no fool.
Had he only been told the toys were created by some of the talented artisans of Painted Wheel, and left at that, he would have been satisfied enough to believe it. It was the last bit, almost muttered, that gave him pause. “and Vincent”.
So there I was, called before Court, to defend myself from yet one more accusation of questionable acquisition practices. I asked to plea to the populace, my tongue being far too crude to taint the ears of the most noble wealthinesses before me.
“Who?” I stalled.
“Who among you would leave your cherished possessions unguarded for me to claim? Not one of you? Who would abandon their valuables with none but the most minimal of servants to lay watch upon?
Surely, finding this trove of toys in the hands of a mere child, toys I too was charged with providing for this Barony, mind you, was I to think it was not my right, nay my duty, to bring them forth where they could be properly protected and distributed to those more deserving, more cherishing, the good people here before me?”
I was on a rambling roll.
“And this most pathetic of guards, with their tiny little fingers clinging tightly, was no match for my superior strength, let me tell you.
‘Please m’ Lord’ they whimpered, ‘do not take away my toys’.
I pulled harder against their pleas, feeling their hands beginning to tremble under the strain. Unhand them said I.
‘These are the only things I have in all the world.’ they further cried.
Their grip was failing as we struggled on. Give them to me, demanded I.
And then…
And then,
They gave them to me. Yes. It was a gift. Given freely, as I have now given to all of you. A gift!”
“With only hope of but the most meager of tokens of appreciation” I muttered.
The new Baron was no fool.
© 2010 Vincent
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